Disposable cups

Disposable cups

From 1 January 2024, the use of single-use drinking cups will be regulated. PROM'ES facilitates a recycling system in collaboration with Conpax, allowing you to equip your drink stations with disposable cups as usual.

Note: The European SUP directive to reduce disposable plastic is being translated into national measures by the governments of the various member states. The information in this blog and our recycling programme is aligned with Dutch regulations.

Rules for disposable cups

At so-called ‘closed events’ such as a running or cycling event, plastic cups are no longer allowed. Disposable cups may contain a maximum of 5% plastic. So these are basically cardboard cups with a minimum percentage of plastic. In addition, by 2025, at least 80% of used drinking cups must be recycled in a high-quality manner via a functioning return or collection system. Finally, you must report the use of disposable cups to the Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) and register them. The ILT carries out inspections to see if the conditions are met.

PROM'ES cups

The paper cups are made of white cardboard with up to 5% PE coating. These disposable cups are suitable for 100% recycling. The cardboard cups can optionally be printed for perfect branding of the event. 

  • Suitable for recycling
  • Optionally printed
  • 180 ml
  • From stock

The disposable cups are packed per 2,500 in a box. Order the drinking cups directly online.

Recycling programme for disposable cups

PROM'ES facilitates a recycling programme in collaboration with Conpax, allowing you to furnish your drinks stations with disposable cups as usual. Conpax is a leading supplier of eco-friendly single-use packaging. PROM'ES is Conpax's exclusive partner for running and cycling events. 

To take advantage of the recycling programme, in addition to the disposable cups, purchase special TrackerSack waste bags from PROM'ES. This is because the TrackerSack waste bags are linked to a TrackerSack account that allows you to take over the weight collected from cups for ILT registration. 

After ordering the cups and TrackerSack waste bags, we will send you a detailed step-by-step plan for recycling your disposable cups and the mandatory registration with the ILT. Basically, you go through the following steps. 

Roadmap for recycling

  1. Registration with the Inspectorate for the Environment and Transport (ILT).
  2. Collection of disposable cups with TrackerSack waste bags.
  3. Schedule collection.
  4. Finalise ILT registration form.


Gobelets jetables : Pilote réussi NN Zevenheuvelenloop

Successful pilot NN Zevenheuvelenloop

PROM'ES and Conpax look back on a successful introduction of disposable cups during the NN Zevenheuvelenloop. The organisation issued 95,000 cups. As many as 92.5% of the cups were recycled.




Do you have any questions or are you interested? Please contact us, without obligation. We will be happy to help!