Organisations are at the heart of society. That is why it is important to have an eye for the world around us. PROM'ES has developed its sustainability framework using the Sustainable Development Goals: a comprehensive compass to make our company a more impactful enterprise. Together with our clients, partners and suppliers, we try to make our company and the running and cycling events sector more sustainable.

Sustainable Development Goals?
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are seventeen goals with 169 targets to make the world a better place in 2030. The SDGs were agreed upon by the countries affiliated with the United Nations (UN). The goals were established on the basis of global input from organisations and individuals.
Our focus
PROM'ES has concentrated its sustainability framework on 3 of the 17 development goals. Not because we consider the other 14 less important, but because we have identified these 3 goals as the most relevant for our company and fitting within the scope of our ambitions.

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Economic growth is sustainable when capital, labour and raw materials are used responsibly. At PROM'ES, we try to generate an ever-increasing share of sales from new innovative products. In addition, we increase our added value on products through our service and support activities. With this attitude, we also ensure productive employment and dignified work for our colleagues. In our workplace, there are (equal) opportunities for everyone, including people with a disadvantage on the labour market. We invest in young people and encourage personal development and training. We promote safe and healthy working conditions, both for our colleagues and for partners and suppliers.

SDG 12: Responsable consumption and production
Sustainable production and consumption, with a more efficient use of raw materials, reduces the pressure on the environment and decreases the dependence on those materials. Our procurement policy formulates general principles to prevent environmentally harmful production. We strive to limit waste production as much as possible and invest in recycling programmes. Information on sustainability has a fixed place in our management reports. Everyone is entitled to good information about what is sustainable and what is not in order to make the right choices. That is why we inform customers openly and honestly about our production processes and materials.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
PROM'ES is known for its contacts with all kinds of parties within the running and cycling events sector. We maintain warm relationships with event organisers, timers, sponsors, unions and retailers. We like to work with parties who, like us, are committed to achieving sustainability goals through the SDG or other methods. In a sustainable relationship, you can share valuable knowledge, expertise and experiences with each other. That way, you achieve more together than alone!
Our impact
To get straight to the point: there is no universally accepted methodology for measuring the SDGs. The UN has formulated indicators that focus on the national or global level. PROM'ES has made a translation to its own organisation and sector in order to be able to measure progress towards the goals annually.